Student   The E-Zine for students "In the end, when freedom is outlawed, only the outlaws will be free" -unknown ?? One of my most favorite things to do is read E-Zines- and I have read almost every E-Zine there is- well most good ezines. I love Jambo's Happle, I loved Weasel's Hackaddict, MacMan's Reptile and all the other hackintosh e-zines out there! Well I enjoyed reading all of those E-Zines, and I still do, but I always wanted an E-Zine that shows how to do things at school. Well I guess you could call this a "script-kiddie" e-zine (where I present the holes and you carry them out)- but no I would not call it that. Not all of us are dudes who can spend 100% of the time learning how to programm- dont get me wrong, programing is awesome, as a matter of fact i am learning Java right now- but not all of have time or want to do that. But some of us just want to have fun and maybe even get full admin acces at school- fill our minds to the max with information that can be helpfull for use at school. Give the newbies some room- they will learn! Oh yeah, and NO I DO NOT CARE ABOUT SPELLING- I DONT HAVE TIME TO GO AROUND CHECKING FOR SPELLING EVERY 5 SECONDS! AS LONG AS YOU CAN FIGURE OUT THE WORD, THEN THERE IS NO NEED FOR ME TO CHECK OVER MY WORK. I AM NOT TRYING TO MAKE ABOOK HERE! :-) This E-Zine is dedicated to: THE WEASEL- you got me interested in the computer underground! Weedo, Zaph, Freaky, Blackout, Doc Strange, Sir Talonz (my age!), Cross Chain, NoDoze, and all the other dudes who were at HackAddict, and are at Illegal X and sixtoed! Enjoy this new E-Zine- and please- submit articles!